1:58 pm - Saturday October 26, 2024

Pet Care

DOG Health Information

DOG Medicine Information

Pilling your dog

The easiest way to give your dog a vitamin or pill is to hide it in food. Cheese, meat, or other favorite food items can be used to bury the pill. To ensure that the dog swallows the pill, the pill or food item should be placed as far back in the dog’s throat as possible. Hold the upper jaw by both sides with one hand, and lift it up, holding the lower jaw with the other hand, and using your first finger and thumb to place the pill quickly in the tongue's base. Keep his mouth close, lifting the head a bit, and rubbing the throat to encourage him to swallow.

Administering liquid medication

Liquid edication is generally easier to give to dogs than pills. Place the liquid into a paper cup and pull the dogs lip out to form a pocket to receive the liquid. Pour the liquid into the dog’s mouth in small amounts at a rate that allows the dog to swallow evenly. To prevent the liquid from entering the dog’s air passage, the nose of the dog should be elevated only slightly.

DOG Vaccinations

Information from The Humane Society

Distemper - an airborne viral disease of the lungs, intestines and brain.
Hepatitis - a viral disease of the liver.
Leptospirosis - a bacterial disease of the urinary system.
Parainfluenza - infectious bronchitis.
Parvovirus - a viral disease of the intestines.
Rabies - a viral disease fatal to humans and other animals.
Corona - a viral disease of the intestines.
Bordetella - a bacterial infection (kennel cough)

Puppies - 6 weeks to 1 year
6 to 8 weeks - First puppy shot (DHLPP) + Corona
11 to 12 weeks - Second puppy shot (DHLPP) + Corona
15 to 16 weeks - Third puppy shot (DHLPP) + Corona
Over 4 months - Rabies (repeat l year later)
7 to 9 months - First heartworm test

Adult Dogs - After 1 year
DHLPP - Yearly
Heartworm test - Yearly
Rabies - Every 3 years (after second Rabies shot)
Bordetella - Yearly
Note: Some states have their own laws regarding the frequency & requirement of certain vaccinations. When in doubt, always ask your veterinarian or local humane society.

DOG Emergencies

Pet First Aid

Injured dogs will react to pain by experiencing fear and panic. It is common for dogs to be uncooperative during treatment, even going so far as to try and bit or scratch the caretaker. When dealing with a frightened dog, it’s important to secure the dog so it calms down and doesn’t aggravate the existing wound or cause additional harm to itself. It may be necessary to muzzle the dog to protect the caretaker. To muzzle the dog, use tape or a cloth to loop around the dog’s mouth and then tie off the material behind the dog’s ears.

Treating injuries is done through basic first aid. A simple pet first-aid kit should consist of scissors, tape, bandages and basic medications such as milk of magnesia, antibiotics, mineral oil and a common antidiarrheal formula – milk of bismuth.


It is not uncommon for dogs to get into baits (such as rat poison) or chemicals that are harmful to their system. A dog exposed to a poison may react in various ways, including, but not limited to, paralysis. Veterinary help should be sought immediately. To purge the dog’s system of poisons, you will need to induce vomiting by feeding the dog small amounts of hydrogen peroxide. Give the dog about a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide about every 10 minutes for a maximum of 30 minutes.

Puncture wounds

From time to time dogs may encounter barbs, thorns or fish hooks that puncture and embed themselves in the dogs skin. If your dog gets a deep puncture wound, seek out a veterinarians help before attempting to remove the item. Veterinarians can provide the dog with pain relievers and anesthesia to relax your dog and provide the veterinarian with the best possible situation to remove the hook or barb.

If the hook or barb is only slightly embedded in the skin, be sure to cut off the sharp barb before attempting to slide it out. To remove a thorn use a needle and tweezers as you would for a sliver in your own hand or foot.

With any puncture wound, it is important to use a good antibiotic and to cover the wound with a bandage until it’s healed.

Broken bones

Bone fractures in dogs will require the help of a veterinarian. Before moving the dog, be sure to secure the broken area by wrapping the injured area with a towel or blanket. Use rope or some type of cloth to tie the wrap to hold it in place. In addition to wrapping the wound, cover the dog with blankets to keep the dog warm as such injuries generally induce shock.

Heat Stroke

A dog experiencing heat stroke will become disoriented and eventually lose consciousness. To treat heat stroke, immediately begin cooling the dog by running a hose over the dog – continue dousing the dog for several minutes. If after several minutes the dog does not revive, take the dog to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

To prevent heat stroke, make sure dogs can find shade and have adequate air circulation. In hot climates dogs should not be left outside in the sun during the heat of the day.


When a dog is cut and begins bleeding the wound should be immediately covered with gauze or cloth and moderate pressure should be applied. Hold the dressing over the wound for at least five minutes – do not pull the gauze or cloth back to peek and see if the bleeding has stopped. If after five minutes the bleeding has not stopped, take the dog to a veterinarian as soon as possible.


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