Business Directory
- Abrasives (212)
- Acid (603)
- Acoustic and Soundproof Materials (45)
- Acrylic Sheets (33)
- Active Carbon (31)
- Adhesives (115)
- Adhesives and Sealants (295)
- Aerosols (66)
- Agriculture (374)
- Agrochemicals (33)
- Air Cooler (35)
- Air Dryers (107)
- Air-Compressing and Air-Separation (142)
- Air-conditioning and Equipment (436)
- Aluminium and Foils (604)
- Anti-Vibration Mountings (35)
- Antique Imitation Crafts (27)
- Antiques (390)
- Artificial Crafts (22)
- Artificial Flowers and Plants (68)
- Asbestos and Asbestos Products (69)
- Audio (124)
- Audio and Video Products (104)
- Audio Visual Equipment (11)
- Auto Accessories-Car Stereos (107)
- Auto Maintenance (21)
- Auto Parts (1714)
- Automobile (216)
- Automobile Accessories (651)
- Automobile and Parts Agent (3)
- Automobile Electrical Spares (308)
- Automobile Filters (116)
- Automobile-Head Lamps (131)
- Automotive Chains and Sprockets (121)
- Automotive Parts (2352)
- Bag - Plastic and Paper (331)
- Bag Closing Machinery (35)
- Bakers Equipment and Supplies (130)
- Ball and Roller Bearings / Bushes (424)
- Ballast Making Machines (1)
- Banking Automation Products (33)
- Base Metals and Articles Thereof (6)
- Basketry (43)
- Bathroom and Toilet Accessories/Fittings (496)
- Bearings (502)
- Bearings and Its Hardware (80)
- Bellows and Expansion Joints (88)
- Biscuit Making Machinery (46)
- Blank Records and Tapes (23)
- Blankets (218)
- Blend Fabrics (62)
- Boilers (214)
- Bottle Caps (135)
- Bottles (321)
- Box Making Machinery (40)
- Boxes (1371)
- Braiding Machinery (9)
- Brakes and Clutches (286)
- Brass (526)
- Brass Products and Brass Builders Hardware (528)
- Brassware (823)
- Brassware and Brass Handicrafts (721)
- Bricks and Tiles (1188)
- Bristles (4)
- Broaches and Cutters (560)
- Brushes - Industrial and Paint (87)
- Builders and Construction Hardware (341)
- Building and Construction Material and Supplies (306)
- Building Ceramic (67)
- Building Coating (32)
- Building Facilities (5)
- Building Glass (67)
- Building Material (239)
- Building Metallic Materials (2)
- Building Plastic (2)
- Bullion-Gold and Silver (155)
- Burners/Industrial Burners and Incinerators (86)
- Cable Terminal (144)
- Cable Trays (124)
- Cables / Electrical Cable Machinery (57)
- Cables/Cable Accessories and Conductors (862)
- Calculator (14)
- Camphor (8)
- Candles and Holders (560)
- Capacitors (237)
- Capital Goods (11)
- Carbon and Graphite Products (114)
- Carpets (2015)
- Carpets - Hand Tufted (315)
- Carving Crafts and Equipments (15)
- Cast Products and Equipment (782)
- Castor Wheels (63)
- Cement and Sand (286)
- Cement Plant Machinery (74)
- Centrifuges (55)
- Ceramics (169)
- Chains and Chain Link Fence Fittings (103)
- Chargers (186)
- Chemical Fabrics (2)
- Chemical Machinery (275)
- Chemical Processing Plants (185)
- Chemical Reagent (31)
- Chemical Supplies (4592)
- Chemicals - Rubber (139)
- Chemicals Agents (3)
- Chemicals Stocks (3)
- Chemicals-Additives (136)
- CI Castings (171)
- Circuit Boards (256)
- Circuit Breaker (49)
- Clamps (128)
- Clay Figurine (20)
- Cleaning Equipment (119)
- Clips (128)
- Clothing Related Machinery (19)
- CNC Machined Components (334)
- CNC Machines (315)
- Coating Machinenn (27)
- Coatings-Powder Coating Chemicals (311)
- Coffee Maker (7)
- Coil and Wire Winding Machines (31)
- Coir Machinery (5)
- Collectables and Antique Handicrafts (390)
- combustion equipments (7)
- Commercial Field (7)
- Components and Accessories (971)
- Components and Spares (2564)
- Compressors and Allied Equipment (208)
- Computer (356)
- Computer and Software Agents (19)
- Computer Hardware and Peripherals (1067)
- Computer Networking (105)
- Computer Stationery (256)
- Construction (28)
- Construction Machinery (353)
- Construction Materials Stocks (3)
- Consumer Electrical and Electronics and Electronic Goods (6)
- Consumer Electronics and Electronic Goods (248)
- Control Panel Boards (1119)
- Conveyor and Conveyor/Industrial Belts (406)
- Cooling Tower and Chilling Plants (187)
- Copper Products (448)
- Corduroy and Velvet Fabrics (63)
- Cork and Its Products (34)
- Corporate Gifts (308)
- Corrosion Protection Materials (32)
- Costume Jewelry (84)
- Cotton and Synthetic Spinners (3)
- Cotton Fabrics (556)
- Coupling and Pulley (303)
- Crafts Gifts (145)
- Crystal (52)
- Curtain Fittings (47)
- Cutting Tools (560)
- Dairy Equipment (124)
- Dairy Products Machinery (7)
- Dc Power Supplies (47)
- Decorative Items (510)
- Decorative Laminate Machinery (6)
- Decorative Laminates (132)
- Dehumidifier (35)
- Denim Fabrics (31)
- Departmental Shelving (35)
- Diamond Cutting Tools and Machines (255)
- Diamond Jewelry (847)
- Diamonds (831)
- Diamonds-Polished (98)
- Diaries and Calendars (240)
- Die Castings (253)
- Dies (434)
- Dies and Moulds (513)
- Diesel Engine and Electric Locomotive Spares (373)
- Diesel Generator Sets (144)
- Dish Washer (7)
- Doorbell (15)
- Doors/Windows Accessories and Fittings (471)
- Doors/Wooden Door Panels (317)
- Draught Fan (59)
- DVD (170)
- Dyes (346)
- Dyes and Dyes Intermediates (814)
- Dyes-Natural Color (66)
- Dyestuffs (187)
- Earth Moving Equipment and Machinery (336)
- Electric Motors and Engines (800)
- Electric Power Tools (126)
- Electrical Cables Machinery (5)
- Electrical Engineering (44)
- Electrical Goods (2018)
- Electrical Outlets (3)
- Electrical Testing and Measuring Equipment (162)
- Electrical Transmission Line Goods (69)
- Electro Magnets (33)
- Electro Stampings (84)
- Electronic Data Systems (18)
- Electronic Instrument (166)
- Electronic Liquid Level Controllers and Indicators (288)
- Electronic Products and Components (2001)
- Electronic Testing Equipment (68)
- Electronics Stocks (2)
- Electroplating Metal and Equipment and Chemicals (103)
- Embroidery and Embroiders (619)
- Energy Saving and Energy Management (50)
- Engineering - Plastics (53)
- Engineering Goods and Equipment (1317)
- EPNS and Metal Handicrafts (824)
- Equipment and Supplies (2026)
- Exploration and Drilling Machinery (333)
- Explosive (24)
- Export Fabrics (258)
- Extruded Profiles (5)
- Fabricators (1392)
- Fabrics (2956)
- Fan (328)
- Farm Machines and Tools (367)
- Fashion/Imitation / Artificial/Costume Jewelry (1908)
- Fasteners (573)
- Felt and Felt Products (50)
- Ferroalloy and Products (137)
- Ferrous and Non-ferrous Metal (542)
- Fertilizer (469)
- Fiberglass Products (218)
- Fibres (192)
- Fibres - Synthetic (29)
- Filter Cartridge (49)
- Filter Cloth (158)
- Filter Industrial (157)
- Filter Machinery (33)
- Filters-Air (315)
- Filtration and Sedimentation Units (59)
- Fine Chemicals (309)
- Fine Chemicals All (15)
- Finished Leather (1096)
- Fireproof/Flameproof Materials (46)
- Fishery Machinery (2)
- Fixtures (434)
- Flags (7)
- Flat Metal Processing Equipment (6)
- Flavours and Food Additives (314)
- Flexible Metal/Hydraulic Hoses (105)
- Flexo Printing Machinery (65)
- Flocked Fabric (7)
- Flooring (211)
- Flour Mill Machinery and Accessories (61)
- Foam (121)
- Fodder Additives (4)
- Folk Crafts (1)
- Food Processing Machinery (349)
- Footwear Machinery (54)
- Forest Machinery (1)
- Forged Products and Equipment (753)
- Fork Lift Truck Parts (7)
- Fork Lift Trucks (10)
- Foundry Raw Material and Equipment (64)
- Fountains (110)
- Fuel Dispensing Machinery (9)
- Fuel Injection Systems/Pipes (132)
- Furnace Manufacturers (179)
- Garage and Service Station Equipment (123)
- Gardening and Irrigation Machinery (29)
- Gas (315)
- Gases (56)
- Gaskets and Seals (420)
- Gates and Grills (174)
- Gauges and Gauge Glasses (246)
- Gear Boxes (637)
- Gems and Jewelry (411)
- Generator Sets and Its Spares (472)
- Gifts and Crafts Agents (66)
- Gifts and Crafts Stocks (6)
- Gifts Articles (1965)
- Glass and Glass Products (227)
- Glass and Glassware (496)
- Glass Cutting Tools/Glass Cutters (10)
- Glass Processing Machines (22)
- Glue and Gelatin (22)
- Granite (1309)
- Granite Processing Machinery (63)
- Grating Manufacturers (11)
- Grey Fabrics (164)
- Grinding and Milling Machinery (443)
- Gum and Gum Products (95)
- Hair Drier (11)
- Hand and Allied Tools (451)
- Handcrafted Furniture (232)
- Handicrafts (4269)
- Handicrafts-Aluminium (152)
- Handkerchiefs (33)
- Handlooms (441)
- Handmade Paper (282)
- Handwoven Textiles (19)
- Hardware and Tools (445)
- Heat Exchangers (261)
- Heat Insulation (14)
- Heaters (196)
- Heating Elements (148)
- Holiday and Christmas Decorations (189)
- Holograms and Holographic Films (89)
- Horn and Bone Articles (1)
- Horticulture (29)
- Hoses (177)
- Hoses-PVC (17)
- Hosiery Machinery (18)
- Hot Stamping Machinery (22)
- Household Products (144)
- Humidification and Ventilation Equipments (75)
- Humidifier (12)
- Hydraulic Products and Equipment (770)
- I/O Card (1)
- IC Card (4)
- Ice Cream Plant and Machinery (34)
- Incense and Agarbatti (620)
- Industrial Automation (293)
- Industrial Brakes and Clutches (60)
- Industrial Chemicals (573)
- Industrial Clothing (31)
- Industrial Cylinders (131)
- Industrial Explosives (5)
- Industrial Gas Plants (31)
- Industrial Gases (88)
- Industrial Knives (32)
- Industrial Machinery and Parts (438)
- Industrial Ovens (107)
- Industrial Supplies Stocks (2)
- Industrial Supplies-General (189)
- Industrial Tools (142)
- Ingot (169)
- Injection Moulding and Inject Moulding Machinery (340)
- Instrumentation (134)
- Insulation Material (253)
- Internal Combustion Engine (2)
- Inverters and Ups Equipment (484)
- Investment Castings (94)
- Iron (43)
- Iron and Steel (1083)
- Iron and Steel Castings (548)
- Jacks (21)
- Jade Crafts (2)
- Jewelry (2352)
- Jewelry - Costume (49)
- Jewelry and Imitation (32)
- Jewelry Boxes (273)
- Jewelry Making Tools and Machinery (364)
- Jigs (434)
- Juicer (27)
- Jute Mill Machinery (14)
- Knitted Fabrics (155)
- Lab Supplies Chemicals (164)
- Labelling and Sticker Machinery (84)
- Labels (911)
- Laboratory Glassware and Equipment (472)
- Lamination Machinery (109)
- Lamination Material (185)
- Lamp Making Machinery (2)
- Laptops/Notebooks (176)
- Laser (24)
- Laser Cutting Machines (46)
- Laundry Equipment (35)
- Lead and Articles Thereof (70)
- Leather (211)
- Leather Finishing Transfer Foils (1)
- Leather Goods and Accessories (2162)
- Leather Machinery (53)
- Leather Strings (6)
- Lime and Lime Products (140)
- Linen (229)
- Liquid (315)
- Lugs and Socket (143)
- Machine Tools (932)
- Machine Tools Accessories (211)
- Machinery (1703)
- Machinery and Equipment (31)
- Machinery and Parts (1047)
- Machinery Designing and Processing (4)
- Magnets and Magnetic Devices (143)
- Marble (1063)
- Marking Systems (28)
- Material Handling Equipment (496)
- Mats and Durries (2014)
- Measurement and Meter (238)
- Mechanical Seals (78)
- Metal Mineral (128)
- Metal Products and Powder (391)
- Metal Stocks (2)
- Metallic Processing Machinery (9)
- Metallised Capacitor Films (8)
- Metallurgy Machinery (8)
- Metals and Alloys (747)
- Meteorological Instruments and Equipment (29)
- Mica (78)
- Microwave Oven (45)
- Minerals and Refractories (853)
- Mining (334)
- Mixer (108)
- Model Making (1)
- Monitors (142)
- Mosaic Tiles Machinery (19)
- Motorcycles (400)
- Moulded Components (187)
- Moulds (240)
- Multimedia (39)
- Natural Crafts (5)
- Nautical Gifts and Crafts (38)
- Needles (35)
- Network Engineering (13)
- New Product (20)
- Non-ferrous Metal Alloy (45)
- Non-ferrous Metal Products (40)
- Non-metallic Mineral Deposit (2)
- Non-metallic Mineral Products (7)
- Non-Woven Fabrics (158)
- Nozzles (102)
- Nuts and Bolts (496)
- Oil Mill Machinery (73)
- Other Machinery (152)
- Others (1069)
- Oxygen Setup (14)
- Packaging (21)
- Packaging Bags (89)
- Packaging Machinery (862)
- Packaging Materials (2329)
- Packaging Product Stocks (6)
- Paint and Allied Products (649)
- Paint Manufacturing Machinery (10)
- Painting Equipments and Maintenance (35)
- Paintings and Sculpture (598)
- Paints Crafts (2)
- Pallets and Skids (121)
- Paper (258)
- Paper and Pulp (147)
- Paper Converting Machinery (183)
- Paper Crafts (113)
- Paper Printing and Book Binding Machinery (60)
- Paper Products (798)
- Paper-Newsprint (65)
- Paper-Thermal (22)
- Papier Machie (58)
- Parking (9)
- Party Goods (5)
- PDA (12)
- Perforated Sheets (44)
- Peripherals (75)
- Pet Animal Products (14)
- Pharmaceutical Chemicals (519)
- Pharmaceutical Machinery (621)
- Pharmaceutical Raw Material (395)
- Pigments (543)
- Pillows (210)
- Pipes and Pipe Fittings (1486)
- Piston and Piston Rings (122)
- Plant and Machinery (376)
- Plastic and Paper Bags (638)
- Plastic Crafts (6)
- Plastic Processing Machinery (407)
- Plywood (313)
- Plywood Machinery (13)
- Pneumatic Products and Tools (300)
- Polish and Polishing Material/Machinery (97)
- Polyester Films (99)
- Polyester Yarn (172)
- Polyethylene Foam Films (14)
- Polymers (376)
- Polyurethane Foaming Machines (15)
- Pottery and Enamel (84)
- Power (49)
- Power Cable Accessories (49)
- Power Supplies (158)
- Power Transmission Equipment (107)
- PP and HDPE Sacks (203)
- Pre-fabricated Structures (37)
- Precision Auto Turned Parts and Components (883)
- Pressed Components (417)
- Pressure Fingers (1)
- Pressure Vessels (180)
- Printing Ink Machinery (5)
- Printing Machinery (486)
- Printing Oil (4)
- Printing Projects (18)
- Process Control Equipment and Instruments (208)
- Processing Machines and Equipment (51)
- PU False Twister (1)
- Pu/Pvc Synthetic Leather (23)
- Public Address Systems (46)
- Pulverizers (42)
- Pumps and Pumping Equipment (1161)
- PVC and HDPE Pipes (266)
- PVC Leather Cloth (45)
- PVC Products (311)
- PVC Profiles (48)
- PVC Resins (87)
- Pyrography (1)
- Quilts (219)
- Radiators (52)
- Radio (20)
- Radio and TV Equipment (43)
- Raw Silk Yarn (55)
- Rectifiers (138)
- Reduction Gears and Gear Cutting (635)
- Refrigeration and Equipment (179)
- Refrigerator (63)
- Relays (190)
- Religious Crafts (56)
- Remote Control (22)
- Resin (324)
- Resinic Crafts (2)
- Rexine and P.U.Products (121)
- Rice Cooker (11)
- Rice Machinery (16)
- Rice Mill Machinery (45)
- Road Construction Machinery (47)
- Roll Forming Machinery (22)
- Roofing Systems (92)
- Rope (108)
- Rubber - Natural (60)
- Rubber and Rubber Products (1656)
- Rubber Machinery (91)
- Rubber Synthetic (99)
- Rubber Transmission Belting (62)
- Rugs (2014)
- Saddlery and Harness Goods (228)
- Salt (97)
- Sandalwood Products and Artifacts (83)
- Sandstone (465)
- Sanitaryware (460)
- Scaffolding (184)
- Scanners and Scanning Devices (74)
- Scientific Instruments (412)
- Scooters and Two Wheeler Parts (400)
- Scrap (1246)
- Sculptures (288)
- Second Hand (78)
- Seed Processing Machinery (12)
- Semiconductors (134)
- Sensors (236)
- Server and WorkStation (40)
- Sewing and Knitting Machinery and Components (456)
- Shaft (375)
- Shaft Collars and Bright Bars (375)
- Sheet Metal (364)
- Sheet Metal Components (959)
- Shellac and Lac Products (32)
- Shock Absorbers (32)
- Silica Gel (69)
- Silicon Products (133)
- Silk (823)
- Silk Fabric (822)
- Silver Jewelry (1153)
- Sintered Bushes and Parts (12)
- Slate (187)
- Slotted Angles (85)
- Smoking Pipes and Accessories (66)
- Soap and Soda Making Machinery (7)
- Soaps and Detergent Plants (20)
- Soapstone Products (23)
- Software (1229)
- Solvents (381)
- Speaker (115)
- Special Materials (4)
- Special Transportation Equipment (6)
- Springs and Coils (630)
- Springwashers (47)
- Stainless Steel Wires and Cables (162)
- Starch and Starch Machinery (16)
- Steel and Stainless Steel Products and Components (1579)
- Steel Balls (36)
- Steel Components (180)
- Steel Pipes and Tubes (617)
- Steel Re-rollers (30)
- Steel Rolling Mills Machinery (158)
- Stickers and Tags (911)
- Stone (430)
- Storage Systems (219)
- Sugar Machinery (108)
- Sulphur (62)
- Surface Finishing Equipment and Services (21)
- Survey (29)
- Switches (601)
- Switchgear and Allied Products (432)
- Synthetic Industrial Diamonds (18)
- Tapes (259)
- Tapes-Self Adhesive (327)
- Tassels and Trimmings (155)
- Taxi Meters (27)
- Tea and Coffee Machinery (75)
- Tear Tapes (3)
- Television (91)
- Tents and Tarpaulins (190)
- Testing and Measuring Instruments (768)
- Textile Accessories (128)
- Textile Agents (4)
- Textile and Textile Articles (28)
- Textile Chemicals (250)
- Textile Machinery Spares (971)
- Textile Stocks (2)
- Textile Testing Equipment (44)
- Textile/Garment Machinery (939)
- Textiles (1843)
- Textiles Auxiliaries (161)
- Thermacol (40)
- Thermocouples (122)
- Thermostatic Bimetals and Thermostats (46)
- Threads (275)
- Three Wheelers (20)
- Timber (565)
- Timber Products and Plank (565)
- Timer (88)
- Tin Containers (260)
- Trailers and Trolleys (148)
- Transformers (572)
- Tubes and Tube Fittings (690)
- Tungsten Carbide (81)
- Turbine (60)
- TV Picture Tubes (13)
- Twines and Webbings (107)
- Tyres and Tubes (285)
- Tyres Repair and Retreading Materials and Machinery (68)
- Ultrasonic Equipment (88)
- UPS and Power Supply (333)
- Ups Equipment (62)
- Used Engines and Spares (6)
- Used Machinery (155)
- V-Belts (140)
- Vacuum Cleaner (52)
- Vacuum Equipment and System (270)
- Valves (2055)
- VCD (170)
- VCR (170)
- Vending Machinery (48)
- Video (127)
- Vinyl Flooring (29)
- Visual Products and Equipments (124)
- Voltage Stabilizers (790)
- Wall Hangings (208)
- Wall Materials (12)
- Wallpaper (30)
- Washing Machine (68)
- Water Coolers (87)
- Water Dispenser (31)
- Water Heater (133)
- Water Softener and Purifier (352)
- Waterproof Materials (119)
- Wax and Wax Products (256)
- Web Designers (174)
- Weighing Machines (482)
- Welding and Solders (33)
- Welding Electrodes (27)
- Welding Electrodes, Machinery and Equipment (339)
- Welding Generators (10)
- Wire Cloth and Wire Mesh (173)
- Wire Machinery (100)
- Wire Ropes (82)
- Wire-Resistance and Heating (25)
- Wires/Cables and Accessories (1109)
- Wooden / Stone Carvings (1238)
- Woodworking (120)
- Woodworking Machinery (120)
- Wool Fabrics (41)
- Worsted Spinners (1)
- X-Ray (14)
- Yarn (1294)
- Zari and Glitter Products (132)
- Zinc and Its Articles (146)