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Pet Care

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Kits Information

Baby rabbits are referred to as “kits,” short for “kittens.” Baby rabbits are best raised and cared for by their mother, as raising an abandoned or motherless “kit” can be extremely burdensome. If the baby rabbit is left without its mother or its mother is unable to feed it, the next best scenario is to have a foster mother raise the rabbit. A baby rabbit can be integrated into a non-familial litter if the mother accepts the new baby. To get the new mother to accept the baby, a drop of perfume or pine oils applied to the babies nose will cover the strange baby’s scent and improve the chances for adoption.

Baby rabbits that are over three weeks of age can be cared for by humans. The babies will need to be fed three times a day with a milk formula designed for baby bunnies. Consult with your local veterinarian for the best solution for your bunny.

Spaying and Neutering

Males: Male rabbits can be neutered as soon as they are about four and a half months old. Delaying neutering increases the likelihood of testicular and prostate cancer, and can increase the sexual aggressiveness of male rabbits.

Females: Female rabbits can be spayed as soon as they are about four and a half months old. Delaying spaying beyond the first heat cycle increases the likelihood of uterine cancer and unwanted pregnancy.


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RABBIT Health Information
RABBIT Diseases
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Notice: Function wpdb::prepare was called incorrectly. The query does not contain the correct number of placeholders (0) for the number of arguments passed (1). Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 4.8.3.) in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 6085