Lisa Haydon blessed with baby boy, names him Zack. Their photo together is just adorbs

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Lisa Haydon gave birth to a baby boy on May 17. The new mother shared the news on her social media account.

It’s a boy for Lisa Haydon. After living her pregnancy in style, Queen actor is happy to embrace motherhood as she announced she has given birth to a baby boy. And just like her other happy moments, this one too has been shared by the actor-model on her social media account. Lisa gave birth to her little one on May 17. The new parents have named their son Zack Lalvani.

Sharing the news with her fans Lisa posted a picture of her holding the infant in her arms with husband Dino Lalvani who is all excited to welcome his first child in the world. “Zack Lalvani born 17th May 2017,” wrote Lisa a;ong with the picture.

During her pregnancy, Lisa was often seen flaunting her baby bump. She even announced her pregnancy to her fans by posting a bikini picture looking at her baby bump and wrote along with it, “Happy Beginnings”. Last year in October Lisa stunned all as she got hitched to beau Dino in a hush-hush ceremony. It was only after Lisa shared her many wedding pictures on her social media account that the news of her marriage broke out.

Lisa was last seen on the silver screen in Ranbir Kapoor-Anushka Sharma-starrer Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. The actor did a cameo in the film. She also garnered accolades as she played Kangana Ranaut’s carefree and free-spirited friend in Vikas Bahl’s superhit Queen.

See Lisa Haydon flaunting her baby bump during pregnancy

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