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Beautiful Color Combinations to Beautify...

Beautiful Color Combinations to Beautify Your Bedroom Walls

A bedroom is a place where you would spend some of the most relaxing times. Whether it has been a tough day at work or you’ve toiled hard trying to complete the household chores, you need a safe place after all this work where you can relax. To ensure you get soothing vibes and a relaxed... read more »

5 Common Myths About Health Insurance Bu...

5 Common Myths About Health Insurance Busted!

The rising medical costs and unhealthy lifestyles have long shed light on the importance of having a secure medical fund for times of need. But the advent of COVID-19 and its aftermath has made people experience the necessity of having health insurance. Having adequate coverage not only creates a... read more »

Badrinath temple is closed today for win...

Badrinath temple is closed today for winter break

The auspicious closing date of the Badrinath temple in Uttarakhand was announced in the case of Dussehra. Friday Badrinath’s temple is adorned with flowers of twenty cents. Badrinath Dham’s gates will be closed on November 20th. (ANI) Twenty calendula, lotus and other flowers were... read more »

Nykaa Founder Becomes India’s Weal...

Nykaa Founder Becomes India’s Wealthiest Self-Made Female Billionaire...

Falguni Nayar’s beauty startup has jolted her to the ranks of the world’s richest. Nayar, who owns about half of Nykaa, is now worth about $6.5 billion as shares of the firm surged as much as 89% when they started trading Wednesday. She’s become India’s wealthiest self-made... read more »

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Buy the best skin care products effortlessly from your favourite makeup purchase app

Buy the best skin care products effortlessly from your favourite ...

The worst feeling is getting a burst of motivation in the middle of the night to perfect your skin but not being able to step out at that very moment. But also, the best feeling is remembering we... read more »

Everything To Know About An Epilator

With more techniques and procedures being discovered for painless hair removal, there are four procedures that women mostly prefer: waxing, using a... read more »

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Italy’s Catholic bishops try to put brakes on speedy divorce law...

ROME (RNS) Italy’s Catholic bishops have condemned a proposed law that is set to speed up divorce and do away with a three-year separation waiting period. Legislation to allow consensual divorce... read more »

India showcases military might, culture blend on 6...

India’s powerful military punch and its rich cultural heritage were showcased at the 65th Republic Day parade on a bitterly cold Sunday, with... read more »

‘India’s political culture has crippled intelligence ag...

British journalist Adrian Levy pieced together stories of the 26/11 terror attacks on Mumbai — “the fourth largest city in the world under siege for three... read more »

India: Tourism event celebrates the ancient culture of ...

Such festivals not only preserve the culture of the region but also promote tourism. A three-day long “Ethnique Festival” was held recently in the... read more »

Grammar of gender relations in India

The contemporary discourse credits the modern world exclusively with improving the status of women. But thousands of years ago, Indian women had enjoyed high... read more »

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Pizza maker Papa John’s hands insured for a whopping 10 M p...

Seems like Papa John’s has taken their love for pizza to another level as the company has recently insured its founder’s hands for 10 million pounds. Tabloid media revealed that Papa John... read more »

Haldiram products under scanner!

Maharashtra government today asked its health regulator to check samples of Haldiram’s packaged snacks to find if they are fit for human... read more »

FSSAI to review caffeine standards in beverages

Food safety regulator FSSAI has decided to review caffeine standards in caffeinated and energy drinks and is looking for an agency to study the consumption... read more »

Foodies beware! Junk food could make you ‘depress...

If you love gorging on fast food, chances are that you might end up being depressed, claims a new study. San Diego State University researchers analysed almost... read more »

Time management in kitchen

For a working professional, be it a man or a woman, managing one’s time spent in the kitchen is very important. Not everyday can one think of ordering... read more »

Subscribe to Health & Fitness

Health & Fitness

Considering Port Your Health insurance? Here’s what you sho...

Health insurance is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity these days, thanks to the stress levels, poor eating habits, and spurt in lifestyle diseases. We must exercise regularly and eat healthy... read more »

Vaping CBD: Legality and Usage in America

More and more Americans are vaping CBD, leading many to question the legality of this and the reasons for using it. There is certainly some confusion... read more »

Reach Your Potential: 10 Mistakes Destroying Your Worko...

If you’re working out many days per week and failing to reach your goals, you could be making various mistakes before, during, and after exercise. By... read more »

When you should take a pregnancy test?

Usually, there are two types of pregnancy tests. One test utilizes a urine sample and the other a sample of blood. Interestingly, both these pregnancy tests... read more »

7 Essential Regular Health Checkups for Under 40

Chances are you get your car oiled and serviced regularly and keep it polished till it shines. But would you say you are taking such great care of yourself?... read more »

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Over 5,500 Pilgrims Set Out For Amarnath

A batch of 5,522 pilgrims on Thursday left Jammu for the Himalayan cave shrine Amarnath, after 33,694 yatris completed paying obeisance before the ice stalagmite structure of Lord Shiva over the past... read more »

Jaswant Singh’s condition grave

Former union minister and expelled BJP leader Jaswant Singhcontinued to be in coma Wednesday, with doctors describing his condition as... read more »

Vatican: Too early to confirm 2025 Orthodox-Catholic su...

VATICAN CITY (RNS) A Vatican spokesman said it’s premature to suggest a gathering between Catholic and Orthodox faiths to mark the 1700th anniversary of the... read more »

Earnings rise in Sabarimala temple

Earnings rise in Sabarimala temple

Thiruvananthapuram – Earnings at the famed Sabarimala temple in Kerala has shown a sharp increase. According to the Devasom Board, which manages the... read more »

A Christmas Tree that is India’s tallest – ...

A Christmas Tree that is India's tallest - and growing

By Quaid Najmi Mumbai – Gaily decorated with twinkling fairy lights, angels, reindeers and cotton snow, this is one Christmas tree that stands out... read more »

More from Lifestyle

Change the Look of Your Interiors With These Ceiling Paint Ideas

Applying new coats of beautiful paint can drastically change the appearance of a space. Unfortunately, most people spend time deciding the color of their room walls and neglect the ceiling.... read more »

Top Indian cities where you can find great coliving and managed accommodation spaces

It’s a tale as old as time. Starry-eyed students leave school and enter the brave new world of college. Ambitious young professionals take on the challenge of becoming real adults and... read more »

Top Tips to Help You Juggle Work and Parenthood

Working while being a parent is tackling two jobs without any overtime, and sometimes without any thanks, either. Though hard, it is entirely doable, and this fact has been proven again and... read more »

Tips On How Can Introverts Live With Extrovert Roommates

Moving to a new space is a roller-coaster ride in itself. It’s obvious you are going to meet and live with a clan of people who’ll have various kinds of personalities and temperaments,... read more »

Different Paint Texture Ideas For Your Bedroom

Are you planning to give a new look to your bedroom? Are you looking for something unique? You can start by choosing a unique paint texture for your bedroom. You can check out Asian paints... read more »