Here’s What Your Partner Expects from You (But Doesn’t Say)

Relationships are difficult – we all know that. More so in today’s environment, when society in India is undergoing a major change; youngsters work away from home, more and more women find employment in sectors hitherto considered male preserves, young people have more opportunities to meet and get into relationships. In fact, several youngsters can be found in live-in relationships, especially in bigger cities. All this means youngsters have to take responsibility for themselves and their actions, and deal with their relationship problems on their own, without depending on their family.
In order for the relationship to survive, it is a good idea to understand early on what your partner really expects from you, and what you should expect from him/her. Here’s a sneak peek at some of those issues that might make all the difference in your relationship.
- Time
Yes, you are busy with your career. And, in all probability, you live away from your family, and that means domestic responsibilities as well. But if you are in a relationship, you just have to make time for your partner. Nothing destroys a relationship quite like not spending time with each other. You don’t necessarily have to go for movies and dinners and outings all the time; just be physically present for your partner, especially if s/he is going through a tough time.
- Respect
Your partner does not expect you to just love her/him, s/he also demands respect. You need to show respect to your partner, both as a person and as a professional. Do not make fun of your partner’s job, her/his family, the state/city/town s/he comes from, the religion s/he professes, and so forth. Learn to disagree in a respectful manner. Ridiculing, mocking, showing contempt has no place in a healthy relationship. And no, you cannot get away by saying “just teasing”. Admire the strengths of your partner and be gracious about her/his weaknesses. Do not cross boundaries.
- Consideration
Little things matter in a relationship. It is not just roses and chocolates, and wining and dining that strengthen your relationship. Your partner expects you to be considerate towards him/her. You are expected to understand how your behaviour will impact your partner. Little things like remembering your partner’s birthday, remembering what food s/he likes and doesn’t, remembering her/his parents’ anniversary, the names of her/his siblings, and so forth, go a long way in endearing you to her/him. Show interest in your partner’s life. Remember, you are not the be-all and end-all of her/his existence.
- Financial stability
Now we come to a very crucial aspect of a relationship – financial stability. It won’t be an exaggeration to say that a relationship hinges on this factor. Money management is crucial for the mental peace of both partners. Irrespective of whether you and your partner have locked yourself with the sacred bond of marriage or not, you just cannot afford to take financial stability lightly.
You can take a number of steps to secure your financial health. For starters, make sure to take adequate insurance. Money spent on health insurance, accident insurance, life insurance, Unit-Linked Insurance (ULIP) (which gives you insurance and investment under a single integrated plan) should never be considered a waste. Always treat this expense as a means of securing your future, and that of your partner.
You can opt for the various insurance plans offered by reputed insurers, which should meet all your insurance needs. For instance, if you are looking for a cost-effective, simple insurance plan, then go for term insurance. Insurers like Max Life Insurance offer many benefits along with term plans such as affordable premiums, rider facility, flexible premium payment terms, income benefit option and so on.
Also, it is always better to secure your health as well. A health insurance plan bought early on in life will provide you with sufficient financial coverage, should a health emergency strike. You can go for the comprehensive health plan that will give you coverage for medical procedures and treatment as well.
Couples should keep in mind that they don’t need to wait for marriage and children to start securing their future. For instance, buy your childcare plan long before the child comes. It will give you a head start. Insurers today offer child insurance plans which are specially customised to address your child’s future needs, even in your absence.
Similarly, do not wait to retire to start a retirement plan. Secure your retirement while still young and healthy. Retirement Plans are sure to provide you with all the security you will need in your old age. Other than these, also research about ULIP Plans, Savings and Income Plans, Group Plans and NRI Plans and pick the best-suited option for you and your spouse.
You will not need anything else!