9:16 am - Wednesday October 23, 2024

Concern in Europe: “Al-Qaeda wants to show it is relevant”

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Organization of the Islamic State (Daas) to carry out attacks in the subway of New York and Paris, chief of staff warned the EU counter-terrorism organization’s desire to increase in extreme European hit targets in light of the increasing attacks against Syria and Iraq. Even tonight (Friday) Coalition forces continued to attack targets in Syria Daas organization. According to reports in the country, among others attacked an oil facility in the Deir al-Zor on the border of Iraq.

In an interview to BBC, warned the head of the Counter-terrorism in the European Union, Gilles de Krsov, the US-led attacks and its allies in the West, along with a series of Arab countries, raised the danger of a violent response from Muslim militants in Europe. “I think we need to recognize that,” he said. “When it became clear three days ago Daas issued a statement in which he said to be a reaction against the coalition. Airways French citizen was kidnapped and beheaded. They did what declared”.

Estimation of de Krsov, Syria and Iraq are now more than 3,000 European citizens who are members of the state organization Halsamit lines. However, he said not only Daas is a threat and warned it would create competition between radical organizations: “Rise of Daas could lead to the al-Qaeda to operate in order to prove he is still relevant.”Meanwhile, a human rights organization operating in Syria reported that the night attacks were against the objectives of the organization Daas country. This is the fourth night it carried out attacks on Syrian territory and claims against Daas Syrian Organization for Human Rights Observatory, the night was an air strike on al-Oil Field Tank district of Dir al-Zur in eastern Syria, near the border with Iraq. According to reports, since the air strikes began coalition forces have killed at least 140 militants and 13 civilians Mdaas.

Yesterday, the Ministry of Defense Attacks documentation night between Wednesday and Thursday against oil refining facilities which holds Islamic state organization in Eastern Syria. Attacks by fighter aircraft of the United States, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, including 12 targets were hit. Since the start of military action against Iraq in August Daas United States has carried out at least 200 air strikes.

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby, said yesterday that the purpose of the attacks is “not necessarily kill terrorists”, but to destroy facilities financed by the Daas. Despite numerous attacks, the United States argue that the organization has not hurt: “We are very confident we hit what we sat and oriented to the serious damage. Yet even after the injuries they have suffered, they suffered in fact, they still have the means of financing. They have enough volunteers. Has have enough weapons and vehicles, and the ability to move around the area. ”

At the same time, Turkish media reported Sunday night that the president of the United States, Barack Obama telephoned the president of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the war against Daas. According to reports, the two discussed the possibility of cooperation in the fight against the group. Turkey so far refrained from participating in attacks or allow the United States to operate from its territory against the Islamic state organization.

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