North America

Latest News on North America
Obama nominates Senator Max Baucus as ambassador to China
Obama nominates Senator Max Baucus as am...

Obama nominates Senator Max Baucus as ambassador to China

President Barack Obama nominated Senator Max Baucus on Friday as US ambassador to China. “Max Baucus is going to be an outstanding ambassador to China, and I’d like a swift confirmation,” Obama said Friday during a year-end press conference at the White House. The nomination must be confirmed... read more »

Devyani Khobragade gets full diplomatic immunity, on her way to India
US action against Indian diplomat: Class...

US action against Indian diplomat: Classic American double standards?

By Arun Kumar Washington – Is the US decision to arrest and strip search Indian diplomat Devyani Khobrgade on charges of visa fraud, sparking a major diplomatic row with what it calls an “incredibly important” partner, a case of classic American double standards? It would appear... read more »

US judge rules NSA data collection unconstitutional
US judge rules NSA data collection uncon...

US judge rules NSA data collection unconstitutional

By Arun Kumar Washington – In what the media here called a “powerful rebuke” to the Obama administration, a US federal judge has ruled the US National Security Agency’s once-secret mass collection of domestic phone records is most likely unconstitutional. Describing its... read more »

Khobragade case: India seeks details of possible U.S. tax violations
US hides behind “standard procedur...

US hides behind “standard procedures” in Indian diplomat’...

By Arun Kumar Washington – As media reports that Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade was “strip-searched” after her arrest in New York threatened to escalate a diplomatic row between the two countries, the US suggested it had merely followed “standard procedures.” While... read more »

More from North America

Maid trouble lands Indian diplomat in New York in soup

Maid trouble lands Indian diplomat in New York in soup

Washington – In a second case of its type, one of India’s senior diplomats in New York was arrested and accused by Manhattan’s Indian American US Attorney Preet Bharara of... read more »

Detention procedures applicable to Indian diplomat D. Khobragade, US clarifies

Indian diplomat in New York arrested for visa fraud

Washington – One of India’s senior diplomats was arrested in New York Thursday for alleged visa fraud and exploitation of her domestic help leading to expression of... read more »

US Secretary of State John Kerry struggles to keep Middle East peace talks on track

Kerry revisits Israel to boost peace talks

Jerusalem – US Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Israel Thursday for another visit to the region to salvage negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, a spokesperson for... read more »

Texas woman admits to sending ricin to Obama

Texas woman admits to sending ricin to Obama

Dallas – A former actress from Texas has pleaded guilty to sending ricin-laced letters to President Barack Obama and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, under a deal that her attorney... read more »

13 Anonymous hackers plead guilty to PayPal site attack

13 Anonymous hackers plead guilty to PayPal site attack

London – Thirteen people have pleaded guilty to charges related to their involvement in the cyber-attack of PayPal’s website as part of the hacking group Anonymous. The defendants... read more »