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Tattoos For Protection

Tattoos in different regions of the world are done for different purposes. There are health purposes, there are cosmetic purposes, there are customary purposes and then most commonly there are cosmetic purposes. Apart from this, in many countries, the tattoos are done for protective purposes. In many cultures tattoos are regarded as the protective amulets. Most of these beliefs have some how originated from their religious beliefs. Read on to know how and where people regard tattoo as a symbol of safety and protection from evil forces.

Tattoo As Protection Symbol In Different Regions
There are many counties which deeply believe in the religious and mystical philosophy that claim tattoo to be protective amulets.

  • Women of Ainu group, the ethnic group indigenous to the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido in Japan believe that if they get tattooed like a goddess, the evil spirits of diseases would run way from them out of the confusion of encountering god.

  • In Iraq, there is a custom to get a dot tattooed at the end of a child's nose to protect him from illness.

  • Aborigines, the natives of Australia get tattooed on their arms in order to protect themselves from boomerangs.

  • Burmese soldiers believe that tattoos on their thighs make them invincible in war.

  • In Cambodia, there is a popular common believe that if one covers his/her body with tattoo no external force can harm him/her not even the bullets.

  •  Amongst the followers of Hinduism, it is a common believe that a tattoo of Lord Hanuman can protect them from all kinds of evils and pains.

  • In Thailand, the sacred Buddhist tattoos are considered to be extremely auspicious and are believed to have magical powers. In a religious ritual known as 'Krob Kru', there is a ritual of getting tattooed the sacred texts on chest, back or arms. The potency of the tattoo is then cross examined by a spiritual leader by giving each tattoo strong swipes of a sword after which the recipients either get ecstatic or bunt in violent spells.

  • The snake tribes of Pakokku in Burma believe these tattoos protect them from the vipers and cobras. Each member of this community goes under weekly tattooing. A proper ritual of tattooing accompanied with prayer is held here. Black Ink mixed with snake venom is used here tattooing after the ritual. The entire body of the tribal is covered with Buddhist symbols tattooed with the combination of venom and ink. Arms, legs, chest, back, face and even the scalp is tattooed.

  • In Hawaii, people worship tattoo gods which they believe can take various forms to protect them from evils.

  • Even in Samoa in the Pacific Island the tattoo art for its mystical value is held in high regard.

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Health Tattoos
Tattoos For Protection
Religious Tattoos

Main Categories

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Tattoo Designs
Purposes of Tattooing
History of Tattoo
Tattoo Risks
Tattoo Meaning
Tattoo Types
Tattooing Tips
Tattoo Procedure
Tattoo Supply
Tattooing Cost
Tattooing Techniques
Tattoo Machine
Tattoo Ink
Tattoo Ideas
Tattoo Aftercare
Tattoo Removal
Tattooing And Body Piercing
Tattoo Books
Temporary Tattoos
Celebrity Tattoos
Criminal Tattoos