5:26 am - Saturday February 15, 2025

Home Decor

Flooring The House

Flooring plays a significant role in beautifying the look of the house. As important is good furniture for the home, equally vital is the house flooring style. Floorings are of varied kinds. As it is said that there are two sides of every coin. Same goes for floorings too. All styles and types have their own strengths and weaknesses so gain knowledge and then according to your suitability choose the right type. Also there are differences in installation of these distinct floorings. Some are easy to install with less of hassles, while some require expertise help.

Some of the considerations that should be kept in mind while shopping are: cost of flooring, its durability and of course warranty period. Popular flooring types are wood, bamboo, fiber, tiles and hard floors. One should keep on trying out different flooring types as it gives a fresh look to your room. The specialty of hard floors lies in the fact that they look elegant, easy to handle and are very durable. But they are pretty expensive.

Among the natural segment flooring we have an exotic range like marbles, granite and slate. Marble has never been out of fashion and is available in a variety of colors. It was popular among Greeks too. Granite demands regular polishing. There are chances of falling on polished granite because it becomes too slippery. Less shade choice is available in slates and also they demand lot of effort in cleaning. Bricks can also be used for flooring. Available in different shades of red and orange they give the cool look and can be kept in stylish manners. Wood and bamboo flooring is also in. It looks classy.

Beautiful tiles available in different types, shapes and colors are the most popular types of flooring found at home. There are some tiles that absorb heat and thus give a cool look to the room. Tiles are cut in a variety of styles, which is in consistency with the contemporary times. Tiles should be chosen keeping in mind the general look of the room as in wall color and the color of furniture. Whatever flooring you choose for your sweet home, it should go in consistency with the look of the room.


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