4:35 pm - Thursday May 2, 2024

Barricades and street fires in Venezuela as restless goes on

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Barricades were erected by anti-government demonstrators in Caracas on Monday, another mark of the worst unrest in Venezuela for 10 years.

Thirteen people have so far died, mostly from gunshot wounds. Despite calls from president Nicolas Maduro for national dialogue as well as opposition leader Henrique Capriles urging peaceful demonstrations, there is no sign of a slowdown.

Burning piles of rubbish along main roads and traffic jams forced many people to stay at home.

But one group of bikers was out in force on the roads. They wore red, the colour of former president Hugo Chavez and mentor to Maduro, to signal their allegiance.

Maduro told the faithful: “It’s not a conspiracy, no, it’s not a protest, Venezuela is facing a fascist coup d’Etat, continued imperial aggression, which wants to put an end to the revolution and democracy.”

He has also accused the opposition of using mercenaries to fuel the violence.

The opposition, meanwhile, has rejected talks with Maduro and are demanding the release of those detained after protests.

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