Middle East

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U.S. Senators say Saudi Crown Prince Moh...

U.S. Senators say Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has Gone ‘Fu...

US lawmakers accused the kingdom of a litany of misdeeds and criticized its crown prince as going “full gangster.” Senators at Abizaid’s confirmation hearing including Trump’s fellow Republicans as well as Democrats condemned the kingdom’s conduct in the civil war in... read more »

Now Russia calls for UN meeting on Syria...

Now Russia calls for UN meeting on Syria, to supply S-300 missile systems

Russia on Saturday called for an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council as Moscow said it would consider supplying S-300 missile systems to Syria following U.S.-led strikes. “Russia convenes an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to discuss aggressive actions of the... read more »

Saudi coalition downs Yemen rebel missil...

Saudi coalition downs Yemen rebel missile near Mecca

A ballistic missile fired by Yemen’s Houthi rebels toward the Muslim holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia was shot down late on Thursday, said the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen. Air defence forces downed the missile over the Wasaliyah area of Taif province, 69 km from Mecca,... read more »

UAE Behind Hacking of Qatari Media that ...

UAE Behind Hacking of Qatari Media that Begins New Middle-East Crisis

WASHINGTON — The United Arab Emirates orchestrated the hacking of a Qatari government news site in May, planting a false story that was used as a pretext for the current crisis between Qatar and several Arab countries, according to a Sunday report by The Washington Post. The Emirati Embassy in... read more »

More from Middle East

Two Turkish police killed in gun attack blamed on PKK: reports

ISTANBUL: Two Turkish police were killed Friday in a gun attack on police headquarters in the southern region of Adana blamed on Kurdish militants, the official Anatolia news agency... read more »

World leaders head to Saudi to meet new King Salman

RIYADH: Dignitaries and leaders from around the world were to arrive in Saudi Arabia Saturday to offer their condolences to its new King Salman, a day after the death of his half-brother... read more »

Yemen thrown into turmoil as its president resigns

SANAA: Yemeni leader Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi has offered to resign following a standoff with a powerful Shiite militia in control of the capital, throwing his country deeper into political... read more »

ISIS executing ‘educated women’ in new wave of horror says UN

GENEVA: The UN on Tuesday decried numerous executions of civilians in Iraq by the Islamic State group, warning that educated women appeared to be especially at risk. The jihadist group is... read more »

1,000 lash sentence for Saudi blogger postponed

DUBAI: Saudi Arabia postponed until next week Friday’s flogging of a blogger jailed for insulting Islam, citing medical reasons, a week after he received the first 50 of 1,000-lash sentence,... read more »