Monthly News April 2018

Compensate for your Absence in the Best ...

Compensate for your Absence in the Best Possible Ways

Don’t all your plans revolve around your family? Moreover, if you are a parent, it is a case of who’s going to bring your child to a football match or an annual day or a gymnastics class? You always think of – Where are we going this summer? What will I do with my child during yet another... read more »

Notice: Undefined index: dirname in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 109

Notice: Undefined index: extension in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 110

Warning: file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/-655x360.) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/vhosts/ in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 113
New phased implementation strategy of Ew...

New phased implementation strategy of Eway bill system for intra-state move...

Eway bill update so far : After being run out from the field in the very beginning phase of its introduction on Feb 1 2018, the day marked for introduction of inter state eway bill. It was the warning for the government to bring in a more powerful Ewaybill system partnered with right technology... read more »

Now Russia calls for UN meeting on Syria...

Now Russia calls for UN meeting on Syria, to supply S-300 missile systems

Russia on Saturday called for an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council as Moscow said it would consider supplying S-300 missile systems to Syria following U.S.-led strikes. “Russia convenes an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to discuss aggressive actions of the... read more »

GST : The beginners guide

GST : The beginners guide

Introduction : GST stands for Goods and Services Tax. Goods and Service Tax (GST) is a type of tax introduced in India from July 2017. GST is a consumption based tax, ultimately borne by the end consumer of a goods or service. Throughout the value chain, businesses and consumers pay GST on their... read more »

PM Narendra Modi Breaks Silence on Kathua, Unnao Rapes, Promises ...

In the face of widespread public criticism of his silence in the face of the gang rape of an eight-year-old girl in Kathua, Jammu and Kashmir and of a minor girl in Unnao – rapes in which either... read more »