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Iran n-deal a step towards regional stability: Iraq

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Iran n-deal a step towards regional stability: ! Iraq
Iran n-deal a step towards regional stability: ! Iraq

Baghdad – Iraq’s Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki Sunday welcomed the nuclear agreement between Iran and the P5+1 group, considering it a major step for stability in the Middle East region.

“Reaching an agreement between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the six nations over Iran’s nuclear programme is a major step in the security and stability of the region,” Xinhua quoted al-Maliki as saying.

“We hope that the process of confidence-building and dialogue will continue in the interest of both the sides to prevent nuclear proliferation and recognise the right of Iran’s peaceful nuclear programme,” al-Maliki added.

Al-Maliki also expressed hope that the agreement would help in elimination of weapons of mass destruction in the region.

“We congratulate all the states which contributed to such success, in particular the related parties, and look forward that this step will open a new phase in security, stability and developmen! t,” he said.

Iran and the P5+1 group which includes the five UN Security Council permanent members — Britain, China, France, Russia and the US plus Germany — announced they have reached a deal Sunday after five-day marathon talks in Geneva.

According to the deal, the US and its allies will afford Iran with sanctions relief equivalent to $7 billion under the terms of the six-month nuclear deal.

In exchange, Iran will halt uranium enrichment above five percent in purity, according to a White House statement.

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