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Saudi Arabia hails agreement on Iran n-power

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Riyadh – The Saudi cabinet announced Monday that the Geneva agreement between world powers and Iran was a comprehe! nsive solution to the Iranian nuclear dispute, a media report said.

The cabinet highlighted that the agreement is welcomed on the basis that it helps keep the Middle East and Gulf region free of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons, Xinhua reported.

It hoped that such a deal would open up the way to guarantee the right for all countries in the region to peacefully use nuclear energy.

Other Gulf countries welcomed the agreement as a step forward for the region’s stability, emphasising the right of states to use nuclear power for energy purposes and to create mass destruction weapons free zones in the Gulf region.

According to the six-month agreement, Iran will curb some of its nuclear activities and receive $7 billion in sanctions relief.

Iran agreed to halt nuclear activities by 20 percent and gave UN inspectors access to its facilities.

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