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Food for your healthy bones

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Nutrients like calcium and vitamin D are essential if you want to build strong bones. While calcium helps strengthen bones and teeth structure, vitamin D improves calcium absorption and bone growth.

One of the main reasons of osteoporosis is a calcium and vitamin D deficiency . Hence, it is important to have a diet that is rich in these two nutrients. Here are some foods you should consume regularly …

Milk With high quantities of calcium and vitamin D, make it a habit to drink a glass of milk every day . Making a face at the sound of having milk?

Substitute it with yogurt or cheese.

Bananas Packed with calcium as well as potassium, bananas are an excellent way to improve your immune system, metabolize proteins and prevent calcium loss from your body .

Green vegetables Vegetables like spinach, spring onions, fenu greek, cabbage and broccoli are excellent sources of calcium. The vitamin K present in spinach boosts bone mineral density .

Nuts Almonds and groundnut contain a generous amount of potassium that is known to prevent loss of calcium through urine. Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are important in slowing down the rate of bone loss and speeding up bone formation.

Prunes Prunes contain a fibre called inulin that helps the body to absorb calcium faster and also strengthens bones.

Sardines and salmon Sardines are known to have high levels of both vitamin D and calcium.

Salmon contains hearthealthy omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D.

Eggs Don’t go overboard with egg consumption. An egg a day is considered healthy, according to experts. And don’t throw away the yolk -that is where the vitamin D is.

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