7:11 am - Tuesday October 22, 2024

why being single is awesome

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So you don’t have a girlfriend or boyfriend, but that doesn’t mean you cannot have fun.

Being single is probably the best time of your life. So don’t get depressed about not being in a relationship or not having a girlfriend. Enjoy your single hood.

Being single means you can be your own boss. There will be no one to tell what to do and how to do it. No compromises and no thinking twice before you head for a cricket match.

You can concentrate on your career as you please. Being in a relationship might stop you from hopping jobs and cities. But when you are single you can follow your dreams and be where you want.

You can be spontaneous. Head for a trip with your friends without having to tell anyone, leave alone seeking permission. You can make plans as you please without having to think if your girlfriend will be comfortable or sporting to be in the situation.

And the best thing you can flirt as you please. There is no problem if you are caught admiring a girl, or your eyes follow someone to no length.

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