Justice A. K. Ganguly contemplating resigning as West Bengal Human Rights Commission chief

Former Supreme Court judge Asok Kumar Ganguly, who faces charges of sexual harassment slapped by a law intern, is contemplating resignation as chairman of the West Bengal Human Rights Commission (WBHRC).
“Justice Asok Kumar Ganguly spoke to me over telephone and said that he is thinking of resigning (as WBHRC chief),” former Attorney General Soli Sorabjee told PTI on being asked about reports that the judge has written to him on the issue.
During the telephonic conversation, Justice Asok Kumar Ganguly said so many things are being said about him and wanted his view.
Sorabjee said he had told Justice Asok Kumar Ganguly that it will be a “wise decision” to resign. Justice Asok Kumar Ganguly’s talk with Sorabjee came close on the heels of the Union Cabinet on Thursday approving a proposal for sending a Presidential reference to the Supreme Court on the issue, which was seen as a step towards his removal as WBHRC chairman.
A three-judge Supreme Court panel had indicted Justice Asok Kumar Ganguly by holding that the statement of the intern, both written and oral, had prima facie disclosed “an act of unwelcome behaviour (unwelcome verbal/non-verbal conduct of sexual nature)” by the judge with her in the Le Meridien hotel room on December 24 last year.
Justice Asok Kumar Ganguly has denied the allegations of the law intern and blamed “powerful interests” of trying to tarnish his image due to certain judgments delivered by him.
In a letter of Chief Justice of India P Sathasivam last month, Justice Asok Kumar Ganguly said he had never harassed the law intern nor made any unwelcome advances towards her or any other female intern.
When contacted in Kolkata earlier in the day, Justice Asok Kumar Ganguly was non-committal.
“Lets see,” was his answer when asked by PTI about his future course of action in the case.
The former Supreme Court judge Asok Kumar Ganguly refused to elaborate anything further.