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Two pilots including 6 IAF Officers, Civ...

Two pilots including 6 IAF Officers, Civilian died in Mi-17 chopper crash n...

Two pilots including 6 IAF Officers, Civilian were killed on Wednesday after an Indian Air Force M-17 chopper crashed in Jammu and Kashmir’s Budgam district. The chopper crashed due to technical reasons, officials said.The crash took place in the backdrop of heavy shelling and firing from across... read more »

Indo-Pak tensions : International flight...

Indo-Pak tensions : International flights transiting between Indian & ...

As India suspended civilian air traffic shortly after an Indian Air Force jet crashed in Kashmir’s Budgam on Wednesday, international flights transiting between India and Pakistan have been affected. “International flights that transit between Indian and Pakistani airspace now being... read more »

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HR Software Advantages and Process Invol...

HR Software Advantages and Process Involved in Attendance Management System

In any company, the human factor is the backbone that crosses all areas of the company, taking into account the “power” of promoting the work in a coordinated way and transforming the organization, making it grow and more competitive. Let’s think for a moment about what seems to... read more »

Why TRON (TRX) is getting global attenti...

Why TRON (TRX) is getting global attention in 2018 ?

Launched in September 2017, TRON (or TRX) is among the newly introduced cryptocurrencies in the market today. Since the test net launch of this cryptocurrency, this digital currency has expanded to over 30 countries with around 2500 nodes despite the bearish trend in the overall cryptocurrency... read more »

Stressed Out? Try These Ayurvedic Medicines

Ayurveda is the oldest forms of medicine in the world that originated in India around 5,000 years ago. It is a traditional holistic medical system that focuses on improving the wellness of... read more »

Compensate for your Absence in the Best Possible Ways

Don’t all your plans revolve around your family? Moreover, if you are a parent, it is a case of who’s going to bring your child to a football match or an annual day or a gymnastics... read more »

New phased implementation strategy of Eway bill system for intra-state movement of goods w...

Eway bill update so far : After being run out from the field in the very beginning phase of its introduction on Feb 1 2018, the day marked for introduction of inter state eway bill. It was... read more »

GST : The beginners guide

Introduction : GST stands for Goods and Services Tax. Goods and Service Tax (GST) is a type of tax introduced in India from July 2017. GST is a consumption based tax, ultimately borne by... read more »

New Ransomware ‘Locky’ Spreading Through Email Attach...

The government has issued an alert for a new computer ransomware called ‘Locky’ which is spreading through a wave of emails with attachments. The malware can lock computer files with an... read more »