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Modi condoles Mandela’s death, says ‘world has lost an apostle of peace and non-violence’

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Modi condoles Mandela's death, says 'world has lost an apostle of peace and non-violence'
Modi condoles Mandela's death, says 'world has lost an apostle of peace and non-violence'

New Delhi – Expressing profound grief over the death of South Africa’s first elected black President Nelson Mandela, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi on Friday said the world has lost an apostle of peace and non-violence.

“RIP Nelson Mandela. World has lost apostle of peace and non violence who defined the journey of his nation for good of humankind,” Modi tweeted.

“Many of us r not fortunate to see Gandhiji alive. We r blessed to see the life of Nelson Mandela,who embodied his values ideals,” he further tweeted.

The Gujarat Chief Minister also offered his condolences to Mandela’s grieving family and the people of South Africa.

“My heartfelt condolences to Nelson Mandela’s family and the people of South Africa. We stand by them in this hour of grief,” he tweeted.

Mandela, who guided South Africa from the shackles of apartheid to multi-racial democracy and became an international icon of peace and reconciliation, died at his home on Thursday at age 95.

Mandela had spent nearly three months in a Pretoria hospital with a recurring lung infection, and was shifted to his home in September with all intensive care facilities made available to him.

Mandela had spent 27 years as a prisoner in South Africa for opposing apartheid, and then emerged to become his country’s first black president.

He was bestowed with the Nobel Peace Prize and he became an enduring symbol of integrity, principle and resilience.

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