4:56 pm - Saturday January 18, 2025


Structure of Indian Education

Education in India at present has become the Fundamental Right of every citizen in India. Since its commencement in the ancient days, education has travelled through a long way. Gradually a time had come that enunciated the need for a developing Structure of Indian Education. This made Indian Education to be categorized into four stages: Pre-primary Education, Primary education, Secondary education and Tertiary education. The Preprimary level is usually composed of Lower Kindergarten and Upper Kindergarten, where primary reading and writing skills are developed. Primary school includes children of ages six to eleven. The secondary Education fulfills the requirement of schools providing education in the rural areas. These schools usually either follow the State or national curriculum. Tertiary education becomes synonymous to technical education.

Among the extensive Structure of Indian Education, Pre-primary Education forms the very basis of learning. A very low percentage of children receive preschool education facilities. Kindergartens facilities are provided and in these there are two stages - lower kindergarten (LKG) and upper kindergarten (UKG). The education pattern of this stage to help the students gets accustomed with reading and developing a writing skill. In rural areas preprimary education in imparted free of cost.

After finishing upper kindergarten, a child enters Class one of primary school. Kindergartens are considered an integral part of regular schools. In the primary level students form an idea of their own of the different subjects. According to the Structure of Indian Education, this education system is made available to all citizens of the country. Furthermore, in the 86th Constitutional Amendment Act was passed by the parliament to make the Right to Elementary Education a fundamental right and a fundamental duty. Primary education also involves maximum enrollment of girls.

Secondary education follows just after primary education. It is one of the considerable main structures of Indian Education. Secondary education is generally the final stage of compulsory education. Secondary education is the next stage after the compulsory, comprehensive primary education for minors to the optional and selective higher education. In the secondary level called secondary schools are termed as high schools, gymnasia, middle schools, colleges, vocational schools and preparatory schools. The purpose of secondary education is to provide common knowledge, to prepare the students for higher education or vocational education and offer training for a profession.

The final level of the Structure of Indian Education is Tertiary education. Tertiary education is referred as the third stage and post-secondary education. Students undergo through this education after the completion of a school providing a secondary education. Colleges, universities, institutes of technology and polytechnics are the main institutions that provide tertiary education for. The introduction of Indian Education Structure has made the educational system more organised and help in imparting proper and systematic training.


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