6:29 am - Tuesday February 11, 2025

Education in India

Education in Nadia District,West Bengal

The historical and the cultural district,Nadia, West Bengal was considered to be an educationally backward district. The major section of people being the rural folk were not enlightened enough to come to the schools. Hence the educational scenario in Nadia was far from being comfortable, some decades ago. The poor social- infrastructure hindered the growth of the physical infrastructure like education. However, the Government had come up to fight with illiteracy and ignorance.

Presently about 2668 primary schools have been located in 36 circles. With Government intervention maximum of students has come under the school system. However the implementation of the projects and the schemes resulted in the development of the elementary education. Sishu Shiksha Karmasuchi (SSK) was taken up in the year 1999-2000 in 17 blocks of Nadia to provide education to the weaker section. Gram Panchayats have been directed to point out the socially and economically backward blocks and to set up SSK centers in those blocks. Thus Government with his schemes and projects has come forward to initiate educational development in Nadia.

With the proposal of Sarvasiksha Avijan (SSA) in the year 2001, the elementary education has been modified. Under this program it has been planned to provide a quality elemental education to the age group of 6 to 14 by 2010 in Nadia.

With the schemes of Government, educational development is promoted and presently there are 135 higher secondary schools in Nadia, where all the streams of Arts, Science and Commerce are being taught with the facilities of modern education.

The educational scenario has undergone a rapid change with the establishment of Kalyani University, in the core of Kalyani town in Nadia. The University conducted the undergraduate and the postgraduate programs and many vocational training at the same time. A group of Colleges not only in Nadia but also in the adjacent districts are affiliated with the Kalyani University.

However the education in Nadia primarily initiated by the State Government has reached to a comfortable state, but Nadia has long way to go to bring an all round development in the arena of education.


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