Time management in kitchen

For a working professional, be it a man or a woman, managing one’s time spent in the kitchen is very important.
Not everyday can one think of ordering food from outside. Healthy living includes mostly home cooked food which is considered healthy by many. However, not everyone has enough time to devote in the kitchen owing to so many factors like work demands, commuting hassles in an urban set up. It is here that time management in kitchen becomes important. Following certain tips can achieve a perfect time management solution at home. Here’s how:
Set a time table for cooking
Even if you can’t stick religiously to a time table, try to get close to achieving the target set by you. If you want your cooking to take precisely one hour, set your priorities that way.
Make a weekly menu chart
This will take away the hassle of thinking about what to cook everyday and getting lost when you run out of ideas. A weekly chart will allow you the freedom of thinking about many combinations.
Stock ample veggies and grocery stuff
Rather than finding yourself going to shopping every now and then because you haven’t got the veggies or rice or atta, stock up on necessary ingredients. Many supermarkets have cut veggies neatly packed and stocked in the counters. If you think you will be hard pressed for time to cut those veggies, picking up those cut veggies won’t be a bad idea. This will save you time.
Keep some ready to cook and ready to eat stuff
Not everyday would you feel up to cooking. So when you are absolutely tired and want to take it easy, these food stuffs come in handy.