11:06 pm - Tuesday February 18, 2025

Beauty Care

Sesame Oil

Botanical Name: Sesamum indicum
Aroma: Nutty and sweet
Properties: Soothing, tranquilizing and sun screening properties
Health Benefits: Eczema, Psoriasis, Blemishes, Stress, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Aching Muscles, Blurred Vision, Toothache

Sesame oil makes a wonderful moisturizer for the skin. Distinctively sweet and nutty in aroma, it is light yellow in color. Also known as gingelly oil and til oil, Sesame oil boasts of its distinctive fragrance. Consistency wise, it is neither too thin nor too thick. Rich in Vitamin E and B complex, it is extremely beneficial forhealth. It also has a high content of minerals such as calcium,magnesium and phosphorus. To know about the uses and health benefits of Sesame oil, read on

Some people find the fragrance of Sesame oil a bit strong; therefore, it is usually mixed with some other base oil such as Almond oil or Grape seed oil to make its aroma lighter. Sesame oil massage works wonders in relieving tiredness of the body. It is known to possess soothing and tranquilizing properties. It also plays the role of sun blocker, thereby preventing the skin from being tanned or destroyed by the harmful Ultraviolet rays. The irony is that, despite its sun screening properties; its use in the making of sun screen lotions is not preferred.

Sesame oil is known for its healing power. The presence of high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the oil is of great value in controlling high blood pressure. It makes it possible to lessen the dose of medication required to combat hypertension. It possesses Vitamin E and thus serves as a great antioxidant, which in turn helps to lower the cholesterol level. Sesame oil massage protects the skin from being victimized by problems such as Eczema, Psoriasis, and Blemishes. It has also proved to be effective in treating toothache and problem of gums.

Sesame oil is an excellent emollient and is beneficial in alleviating tension and stress. It has been observed that people suffering from the problem of hypertension are usually prone to anxiety, poor circulation, nerve and bone disorders. Thus, Sesame oil application protects the body from various disorders associated with nervous system. It also keeps away the problem ofinsomnia and mental fatigue. Sesame oil is an energy rejuvenator, thus is the best remedy for the tired and aching body. It also helps in treating blurred vision.


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