Tag Archives Health

Everything To Know About An Epilator

Everything To Know About An Epilator

With more techniques and procedures being discovered for painless hair removal, there are four procedures that women mostly prefer: waxing, using a hair removal cream, shaving, and lasers. If you have tried all these and yet are dissatisfied with the results, there’s another one you can look... read more »

Reach Your Potential: 10 Mistakes Destro...

Reach Your Potential: 10 Mistakes Destroying Your Workout

If you’re working out many days per week and failing to reach your goals, you could be making various mistakes before, during, and after exercise. By eliminating the errors from your fitness plan, you could soon develop a healthier body and hit every goal on your list. If you’re ready to... read more »

When you should take a pregnancy test?

When you should take a pregnancy test?

Usually, there are two types of pregnancy tests. One test utilizes a urine sample and the other a sample of blood. Interestingly, both these pregnancy tests are associated with the detection of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin also known as (HCG). This hormone is usually developed by... read more »

7 Essential Regular Health Checkups for ...

7 Essential Regular Health Checkups for Under 40

Chances are you get your car oiled and serviced regularly and keep it polished till it shines. But would you say you are taking such great care of yourself? Probably not! Our bustling lives and work habits keep us from seeking routine health checkups. However, carrying out regular health checkups... read more »

Cancer can Target Anyone, How prepared are you?

Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases. Everyone prays to never suffer from cancer. Cancer is now treated as a lifestyle disease by clinical experts now. Considering this basic fact, how... read more »

Has Your Doctor Advised You to Get a Pacemaker?

If you have been getting your heart treated from any of the cardiac hospitals and recently your doctor has advised you to get a pacemaker, your mind right now might be in a pool of... read more »

How body image impacts weight gain during pregnancy

How body image impacts weight gain during pregnancy

Washington – A new study has revealed that pregnant women who under-estimate their weight are more likely to experience a higher rate of weight gain during the gestation... read more »

Why drinking red wine helps keep cancer at bay ?

London – A new study has revealed that chemical, resveratrol, which is found in red wine, remains effective at fighting cancer even after the body’s metabolism has converted it into... read more »