Vaastu Shastra and Feng Shui
The principles of Vaastu Shastra and Feng Shui can be scientifically
and metaphysically explained. Both have nothing to do with religion
of philosophy. The aim of these principles is to bring about harmony
between man and the environment in which he is living. The aim is to
bring about harmony between man and cosmic principles and teach him
to show deference to nature and its laws.
All human activity takes place in a particular place and at a
particular time. Vaastu and Feng Shui help us create an environment
that is favorable to our well being and one that is in tune with
cosmic order. But while doing this, we cannot expect these two
theories, to do away with all the problems that affect our
environment. By applying the principles of Vasstu and Feng Shui we
can only improve our environment. While trying to improve out
environment using the principles of either Vaastu or Feng Shui, we
must consult experts on the subject. If these principles were so
simple and easy then, everyone who has read anything on both should
be an expert. This is not the case. So while planning to make
changes in the environment using these principles always use the
best expert.
Vaastu principles are based on the rays of the sun and the energies
of five elements. For these principles to be effective, they must to
applied as a whole and not in bits and pieces to suit immediate
needs. You must apply Vaastu principles with complete belief and
with respect for its laws. If not the principles will not withstand
testing times. The remedies provided by Vaastu are based on compass
direction. A particular environment for example a house is studies
based on the year it was built. In Feng Shui remedies vary based on
time and other astrological calculations for that house. In Feng
Shui the most important thing is to determine the chi of the house.
After this the expert will analyze whether there are any faults in
the chi. Both the theories are based on elements and the flow of
energy. But it is not advisable to follow principles of both
theories together. Do not consult a person who gives remedies by
combining the remedies of both. Do not be fooled by consultants who
offer discounts.
Feng Shui is the Chinese Art of Placement, which allows the people
who practice it to bring about harmony, in our environment from
various points of view. Feng Shui uses an octagonal chart called the
Ba Gua that helps us to decide which areas in the house or building
is relevant to each of the Eight Aspects of Life. Namely:
- Career
- Helpful People and Travel
- Children and Creativity
- Marriage and Relationships
- Reputation
- Wealth
- Family and Health
- Knowledge and Self-Cultivation
After these areas are determined furnishing, colors and art that
represent the attribute you want to enhance are choose. It
encourages the person to positively interact with the area to bring
about the desired change. Hence the use of colors and furnishing
etc. to match the attribute you want to enhance. Feng Shui uses
detailed observation and awareness of everything in nature. Using
the principles of this theory to decorate your house is like
incorporating the scared in your daily life.
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