Asanas at Aglance
Yoga asanas bring wonderful health benefits. They let
you feel the power of your body and the importance of
keeping it healthy. When done in right way, Yoga is just
fun and relaxing. You feel good, feel the blood surging
through your veins, and the energy pulsating through
your nerves.
Here are some popular Yoga postures at a glance. So just
have a quick look at these Yoga positions.
Shirshasana (Head Posture)
It increases blood circulation to brain. It promotes
hair growth and quality sleep.
The posture looks imposing to beginners and is extremely
powerful. Place your mat into a comer, kneel down and
place your interlocked fingers in the comer close to the
walls. Keep your head into the hollow of the palms, rise
off the knees and take a step or two towards the comer.
Raise one leg and place it in the comer against the
wall. Ask a friend to help you if you are doing it for
the first time. Just pull the other leg up. Keep the
posture for about 15 seconds and then come out the
headstand, lowering one leg at a time.
Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)
It helps regulates the thyroid and sex glands. It also
vitalizes the nerves and purifies the blood. Neck
muscles are also strengthened.
Lie on your back. Inhale while raising your legs and
spine till the toes point to the ceiling. Your body now
rests on the shoulders and the back of the neck. Hands
are placed on the center of the spine between the waist
and the shoulder blades, thus supporting the body. Keep
spine and legs straight. Stay in the position for two
minutes and then slowly come out of the posture.
Sukhasana (Easy Position)
This posture helps gain awareness on breathing and body,
strengthen lower back and open the groin and hips.
Just sit cross-legged with hands comfortably on knees.
Focus on your breath while you keep your spine straight.
Push the sit bones down into the floor. If you find hard
sitting hard sitting on hard ground, sit on a cushion or
block. This will strengthen your back and hips. Do a few
times the exercise of inhaling and exhaling air.
Tadasana (Mountain Posture)
The posture benefits your balance and self-awareness.
Stand with legs together, hands at your sides, eyes
looking straight. Raise your toes, open them, then put
them back down on the floor. Tilt your pubic bone a bit
forward. Raise your chest slightly up and out. Raise
your head up and lift the base of your skull toward the
ceiling. Push into the floor with your feet and raise
your legs, first the calves and thereafter the thighs.
Inhale and exhale the air.
Trilokasana (Triangle Posture)
The posture benefits the spine, opens the torso,
improves balance and concentration.
Sit with your feet spread apart. Turn your left foot to
the left and the right foot inwards. Raise both arms so
they are parallel with the floor. Ensure that your left
knee is aligned with your left ankle. Stretch outward to
the left, tilting the left hip down and the right hip
up. Pivot your hands, till your left hand comes to rest
against the inside of your calf. Repeat the process with
your right hand. Process of inhaling and exhaling
continues through the asana.
Virbhadrasana (Warrior Posture)
It strengthens legs and arms; improves balance and
concentration and builds confidence.
Stand with feet together and hands at side. Stretch your
feet apart. Turn your right foot to the left. Gradualy
bend the left knee till the thigh is parallel with the
floor. Keep the knee either behind or directly over your
ankle. Raise your arms over head and slowly lower them.
Focus on a spot in front of you and inhale/exhale.
Bhujangasana (Cobra Posture)
It benefits adrenal glands, uterus, liver and back
muscles. People suffering from gas problems find it very
Lie down on your stomach. and place the hands on the
floor beside the pectoral muscles. Put the hands, palms
down, under the shoulders on the floor. Take in the air,
without lifting the navel from the floor. Stretch your
body as much as possible. Retain the breath and then
exhale. Repeat the process two to seven times.
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Adho Mukha
Ardha Sarvangasana
Asanas at Aglance
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Sethu bandhasana
Virabhadrasana Pose
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