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Home Decor

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Kitchen Cleaning

Cleaning is the most arduous task that housewives often complain of. Cleaning the kitchen, bathroom and living room is even more difficult because of the heavy traffic in the area. But sanitation and hygiene is essential to keep healthy and fit. Most of us have heard from our elders that most of the illnesses and diseases breed in dirty kitchens. So, here are some easy steps to clean your kitchen:

  • Wipe out the spills over the kitchen tiles at the earliest possible. Use soft detergent for this purpose.
  • The light fixtures in the kitchen get more dust, dirt and grime than the ones in the other rooms. Use a wet scrubber to clean the grease on the lights of your kitchen.
  • Cleaning Refrigerators: The enamel-coated surface of your refrigerator is easy to clean regularly with an all-purpose cleaner. Use a soft cloth or a sponge to remove the tough stain. Avoid using tough cleansers. The humid top surface of your refrigerator has to be cleaned with a liquid dish washing cleaner. To clean the racks of your refrigerator, again use a mild cleanser with a sponge.
  • Cleaning Stovetops: Dismantle before cleaning your stove and keep the top parts and the rings aside. Use a dishwasher to wash the body of the stove and use a soft cloth to whip to get the spotless effect. Soak the rings in a detergent solution for some time and rub it with a mesh made out of plastic, then wash away the dirt by holding the stove parts in running water. Dry for some time before using.
  • Glassware cleaning: Use lukewarm water to clean the glassware and let it dry normally.
  • Oven racks cleaning: Cover your oven racks and soak them for overnight with ammonia. The next morning, wash them up with dish soap.
  • Cleaning kitchen exhaust: To clean the dirt that is powerful and tough, apply a mixture of baking soda and water on it and let it soak for about couple of hours. Now, clean with white vinegar.

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Bathroom Cleaning
Cleaning Floors
House Cleaning Checklist
Furniture Cleaning
Kitchen Cleaning
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Notice: Function wpdb::prepare was called incorrectly. The query does not contain the correct number of placeholders (0) for the number of arguments passed (1). Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 4.8.3.) in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 6085
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