8:28 am - Saturday October 26, 2024

Weddings in India

Jain Wedding Ceremony

India is a land of diversity. Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Jain stay here in harmony and peace. The culture of India is made rich and diversified with the rich cultural tradition of these various communities. Though the Jain population in the country is comparatively less as compared to the Hindus and Muslims, they have always been a prominent and important section of the Indian society. In this section, we will explore the traditional marriage rituals of a Jain marriage ceremony.

Like other Indian communities, Jain community holds the institution of marriage in great regard. Jain community does not believe in wasting time and money over the pomp and show of marriage as they regard it much more than a worldly affair. So, a Jain Wedding is simple and sober with no extravaganza. The Jain Wedding is more ritualistic and traditional. Several pre-wedding, wedding and post wedding rituals are done to solemnize the marriage.

Pre Wedding rituals like Laghana Lekhan, Lagna Patrika Vachan and Sagai take place before the actual wedding ceremony. A Jain wedding ceremony is incomplete without a grand public proclamation of the intention of the prospective bride and grooms to live together for their entire life. The most prominent features of Jain Wedding Ceremony are Phere, Kanyavaran, Havan and Granthi Bandhan. After these four rituals, the wedding of the couple is said to have been fully solemnized. Once the wedding ceremony is over, the Ashirvada ceremony to bless the newly wed couple takes place.

Pre Wedding Jain Rituals
Jain Wedding is a simple yet ritualistic phenomenon. The Jain community believes in simple solemnization of the nuptial knot with the blessings of almighty and elders. Before the actual wedding takes place, a series of traditional pre-wedding rituals take place in a Jain Community to make the auspicious beginning of the new relationship.

Jain Wedding Rituals
Like other Indian Weddings, Jain weddings are also very ritualistic. They are followed through a series of pre-wedding, wedding and post wedding rituals. The Jain weddings are very simple and sanctified without any extravagance. A typical Jain wedding is solemnized after a series of rituals like Phere, Havan and Granthi Bandhan.

Post-Wedding Jain Rituals
Jain Wedding Ceremonies are simple ceremonies. As the Jain Community regards the marriage much above the worldly affairs, they avoid any kind of pomp and show during the entire affair of marriage. They also hold the institution of marriage in high regard and that is why marriage is a compulsory affair for all the people of their community.


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