5:41 am - Saturday January 25, 2025

Weddings in India

In Laws Marriage Problem

Just like a coin, marriage also has two sides. While it may seem extremely blissful and ecstatic on one end, in the other end, it might turn out be extremely challenging and problematic. Talking about the not-so-good side of marriage, conflict with in-laws is one of the major problems that the couple faces. In laws can either be extremely supportive and close or turn out to be just the opposite. In the latter circumstances, things can be very tricky. Problems with in-laws are mainly due to lack of adjustment from both the sides. However, just as we know life is all about challenges, which we have to overcome. So, you should not allow in laws marriage problem to ruin your most beautiful relation and who knows, just by solving the problems, you would be blessed with another set of understanding parents. In the following lines, we have provided tips to cope with in-laws problem in marital relationship.

Dealing with In Law Problem in Marriage

  • After wedding, marriage should be your first priority. So, keep aside everything else and look for ways through which you can grow your relationship. Your in-laws and your spouse should be the first concerns in your life.
  • Respect for your in-laws is crucial for developing healthy relationships after your marriage. Once you have reverence for your in-laws, things would go smoothly. Remember, parents have little or almost no demands. All they want is to be respected and esteemed. Even if you think that your in-laws do not really deserve it, just shower them with admiration.
  • Remember, your in-laws are the parents of your spouse. So, he/she would definitely feel loyal towards them. All you need to do is share the same feeling and all your problems would be solved.
  • Don't criticize your in laws, even if you don't like any of their habits or attitude. If your partner speaks something against them, just listen but don't give your personal comments. Your comments would only add to the existing problem. Also, clarifying questions can create major problems.
  • Remember, your in-laws are you parents age. So, just like your parents, they would also require utmost care and concern. It would be good if you discuss practical concerns with them, such as their health and financial issues and pay heed to them.
  • Listening is a very important part of tackling problems. Listen to what your in-laws have to say or what do they have against you. Who knows just by listening you might identify the root cause of the problem and also get a solution!!
  • In most cases, insecurities are the root cause of the problem. Most of the parents feel left out or ignored after the marriage of their children. This is essential because someone else becomes as important or sometimes more important in the lives of their kid. Tackling insecurity can be a hard one, but remember, you need to assure them that they are very important and hold a special place.
  • In case you are having problems with your in-laws, the best bet would be to talk it with your spouse. Chances are he/she would be able to give you the right advice and also at times, solve the problem completely.
  • Many a times, sensitive issues are the main cause of the problem. You and your in-law may have different opinions about holidays, vacations, visits, time with grandchildren, financial issues, and privacy. It would be a good option to pre-set boundaries concerning your feelings, thoughts and expectations.
  • Remember, you and your in-laws would have social and cultural differences. In such circumstances, in case the two of you are arguing about things, the best bet would be to develop a middle route and find solutions.

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